Tuesday, August 19, 2008

a busy August week

Sometimes, I think I'm the only person who sweats all the time...and sweats a lot. Geez. I hate humidity. I just walked around campus, and I'm soaked.

Back to work! Which brings me to good news: my grandfather got to go home yesterday. He's still pretty weak, but he's so much better. And best news of all: the tumor they removed with part of his pancreas is NOT cancer. :)

I'm happy to have my house back. As much as I may have complained along the way, I do really love my grandmother. Having her with us made me tired, though. Staying up to watch the Olympics hasn't helped, either.

In my own Olympic news, I'm still working on my blanket. I have many, many squares done and hope to be stitching them together starting Wednesday. I have to finish by the closing ceremonies.

We've got about 150-200 students already on campus. Eep! First-years (who aren't already here) move in this weekend, so the fun really is beginning. Friday, I accompany a group of newbies to Boystown for a Chicago Day. Sunday, I get to talk to parents and newbies about services for students with disabilities. Monday--I'm sure--appointments begin.

Farewell summer. Welcome [back] students!

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